Week five December 9 & 16, 2005
1. The Vacation – Band from world war zeroIt's been awhile since I've seen these guys live. They put on a great show. Twin brothers, Ben and Steve (singer and guitar player) then Dutch (bass player) and Denni (drummer).
The songs are very catchy, in a good way and they know how to entertain. They have a cross between Iggy Pop and The Rolling Stones in their blood. Check their website as well as myspace. They have this really cool video that you can see called "Destitute Prostitutes". Their next gig is this Saturday Dec. 17th at Spaceland in Silverlake (Hollywood).

3. Big Star – # 1 Record - Radio CityOne of the best bands EVER!
3 is all I have for the past 2 weeks and that's not even what I was listening to really. I've been listening to crappy radio in my rented car for the past 4 weeks actually. It sucks! Sometimes Indie 103.1 plays great stuff but I can only take Jonseys voice for so long. He is annoying to say the least! Classic rock now is stuff that I was listening to as a teenager, it's all so depressing. Am I finally one of those people who say things like "When I was your age" or "I remember seeing Nirvana back in the 90's way before you were even born"....... soo depressing.
I'm sure this will be a better weekly thing just as soon as I get my life straightened out (jeep, apartment, b/f) Just thought I'd throw in the b/f for good measure.
bf??? More info please!!!
no no... it was wishful thinking. sorry to give the wrong idea.
i just thought if i wrote it, it would come to me..... LOL
no boyfriend. no apartment.no jeep.
i have nothing. not even my health (right now). i hope to lose my job soon then i'd be all set. ;)
Ah well...
Don't say that about your job! When I was sick, I would always say, "Things could be worse," and they would get worse! The nurses finally told me, "Stop saying that!"
Did you at least get your jeep back?
i did get my jeep back. they didn't do a wonderful job though. i expect 'wonderful' if they had it for over a month! the hard top has a DIP in it where water collects in the rain! after they detailed it they didn't let it dry all the way and the inside is still sticky from the paint! they also need to put locks on the console and glove compartment. I did however get the gages working (now i can see how fast I am going) and i got a new front window (it had truck rock cracks). I'm taking it in on thursday and by friday at 5, i'm just saying "IT BETTER BE WONDERFUL".
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