My Top 5 CD's for this week .
Week two November 11, 2005.
Interpol – turn on the bright lights
When I listen to this it makes me bop my head to the beat. It has so many catchy drum beats and guitar riffs. The songs are really easy to get caught in your head. I remember when I saw them on this tour, as I walked outside the Fonda Theatre I had part of ‘obstacle 1’ in my head and I actually heard someone singing out loud as we were walking outside exactly what I was thinking “you go stabbing yourself in the neck……” I think it’s a keeper, something I’ll still be listening to in 10 years.
Jeff Buckley – live a l’Olympia
When I listen to this I feel very spiritual and amazing. It’s not his guitar playing, It’s the passion in his voice. Grace is one of my top 5 all time records of all time. This one ‘live a l’Olympia’ is all live and it captures his playful side as well as his ‘rockin’ side. I regret not to have seen him, granted I had a chance but didn’t show enough interest to go with my ‘then’ boyfriend. I kick myself ever time I hear Jeff Buckley. I recommend all of his CD’s starting with Grace, of course. ‘Sketches of my sweetheart the drunk’ is an excellent CD that he didn’t get a chance to finish but still came out wonderful. I didn’t like it at first, feeling that it was to ‘noisy’ ha! How can anything be to noisy? I sold it but soon after bought it back. Now I listen to it all the time and feel really guilty for ever selling it back.
Sabrosa Purr – Music from the violet room
I’ve been listening to this for at least a month now but haven’t taken it from my CD player all week. This just screams ‘listen to me’. It’s so rockin’. It really does have that Nirvana feel to it. I think the guitars and other noises are a little more refined and thought out. These guys are very talented (words/screams, guitars and most defiantly drums).
They have been compared to both Pink Floyd and Nirvana.
Reigning Sound – Time bomb high school
Greg Cartwright is amazing in my eyes. He can make the ugliest song sound good. This is one of my favorite albums by Reigning Sound. They do an excellent cover to The Rolling Stones “I’d much rather be with the boys”. Every Reigning Sound CD is great. And you can’t go wrong with any of them. The first time I saw them was opening for The Hives a few years back along with International Noise Conspiracy. I’d already had the CD and new all the songs. I was more excited to see them then the other bands. The Hives singer is a huge fan also, he was standing behind me rocking out as well.
Stereophonics – You gotta go there to come back
This band is most defiantly underrated. They remind me a lot like the old Black Crowes. The guys voice has that grainy whiskey cigarette thing going on that I love so much. It’s not quite country and not quite heavy rock. It does have a good groove to it. That’s it! It’s Groovy! They do this song called ‘maybe tomorrow’ that I absolutely love. It’s very mellow but it has this ‘sade’ type fucking groove to it. Then there is the song called 'you stole my money honey' that really gets me too.
Week two November 11, 2005.

When I listen to this it makes me bop my head to the beat. It has so many catchy drum beats and guitar riffs. The songs are really easy to get caught in your head. I remember when I saw them on this tour, as I walked outside the Fonda Theatre I had part of ‘obstacle 1’ in my head and I actually heard someone singing out loud as we were walking outside exactly what I was thinking “you go stabbing yourself in the neck……” I think it’s a keeper, something I’ll still be listening to in 10 years.

When I listen to this I feel very spiritual and amazing. It’s not his guitar playing, It’s the passion in his voice. Grace is one of my top 5 all time records of all time. This one ‘live a l’Olympia’ is all live and it captures his playful side as well as his ‘rockin’ side. I regret not to have seen him, granted I had a chance but didn’t show enough interest to go with my ‘then’ boyfriend. I kick myself ever time I hear Jeff Buckley. I recommend all of his CD’s starting with Grace, of course. ‘Sketches of my sweetheart the drunk’ is an excellent CD that he didn’t get a chance to finish but still came out wonderful. I didn’t like it at first, feeling that it was to ‘noisy’ ha! How can anything be to noisy? I sold it but soon after bought it back. Now I listen to it all the time and feel really guilty for ever selling it back.

I’ve been listening to this for at least a month now but haven’t taken it from my CD player all week. This just screams ‘listen to me’. It’s so rockin’. It really does have that Nirvana feel to it. I think the guitars and other noises are a little more refined and thought out. These guys are very talented (words/screams, guitars and most defiantly drums).
They have been compared to both Pink Floyd and Nirvana.

Greg Cartwright is amazing in my eyes. He can make the ugliest song sound good. This is one of my favorite albums by Reigning Sound. They do an excellent cover to The Rolling Stones “I’d much rather be with the boys”. Every Reigning Sound CD is great. And you can’t go wrong with any of them. The first time I saw them was opening for The Hives a few years back along with International Noise Conspiracy. I’d already had the CD and new all the songs. I was more excited to see them then the other bands. The Hives singer is a huge fan also, he was standing behind me rocking out as well.

This band is most defiantly underrated. They remind me a lot like the old Black Crowes. The guys voice has that grainy whiskey cigarette thing going on that I love so much. It’s not quite country and not quite heavy rock. It does have a good groove to it. That’s it! It’s Groovy! They do this song called ‘maybe tomorrow’ that I absolutely love. It’s very mellow but it has this ‘sade’ type fucking groove to it. Then there is the song called 'you stole my money honey' that really gets me too.