Week five December 2, 2005
1. Afghan Whigs – Black Love
I guess you can say I'm just a huge fan of Afghan Whigs, I've mentioned them more then a few times on my blogs. They all have the same kind of "feel" to them. I always picture Greg Duli as an amazingly nice gentlemen (no pun intended), possibly good in bed too. He's so calm and passionate on stage but yet has this sexy glow about him.
2. Queens of the Stoneage - Songs for the DeafI love the QOTSA! This particular CD was my introduction to them and it fully rocks from song one all the way through to the end. I love to rock! I can't help it when I hear some of these amazing guitar riffs and bass lines! Wow!
I've only seen them once and I was really disapointed. I was a fan of Mark Lanagan and The Screaming Trees back in the 90's and was happy to see that he was sorta in the band. Perhaps it was the sound system at the El Rey, I don't know. I just remember not being impressed so much. Josh Homme reminded me of Eric Stoltz when I recently saw them on .... was it Saturday Night Live? Enough said, they just fucking ROCK!!
3. Beck – Guero (this is hilarious)I love Beck, always have.... even when he was on Flipsides label doing songs like "i'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me....". Beck has always been ahead of his time. I love that he has basically done what he feels like doing and didn't seem to care what the labels wanted. He's been asked by Jon Spencer to be on their album and that's cool in my book. Sure Beck has taken from other artists, part of his style and dance moves (chuck berry, elvis, Jon Spencer, Old dead blues guys) but who hasn't.
The first time I heard the song Guero, I could not stop laughing. I played that song over and over again until I was sick of it. Good Times indeed.
4. The Dirtbombs – Dangerous Magical NoiseWhat a fitting title to this CD! The Dirtbombs are magically amazing live. They are noisey as some bands are meant to be. They even seem a little "dangerous" at times, when you see them live. I love a band with 2 drummers. One of the drummers is Ben Blackwell. He is also an original "helper/roadie type job" for the White Stripes. This guy gets crazy at the shows. I love him!
Mick Collins, the singer and guitarist from Detroit was in a band called The Gories back in the day (even before "my day")
He was also in The Screws (with red aunts leading lady Terri Wahl) and also Blacktop (with a blonde beauty on stand up drums) I got to see them once at Jabberjaw in the late 90's.
Anyway, I am so excited that they are coming to town in a couple of months. It's a "MUST SEE" live, folks! Don't miss it, you won't be sorry. It's so much fun.
5. Elliott Smith - roman candleRIP Elliott. I really do miss this man! He was a great singer song writer. He always put out amazing records (all of them!)
There is still a lot of confusion surrounding his death. I, for one couldn't believe that he killed himself. I was lucky enough to have seem him a few times live. I will say that the many times I've seen him just hanging out at a club he seems very shy and perhaps a little "messed up" but that was years before his death. He was all cleaned up by the time someone stabbed him.
This cd is one of my first favorites thats been on my ipod lately. It's beautiful and melodic just like Elliott. My other all time favorite is "Figure 8" that one is simply amazing.